Create expected from actual and verify based on that.
Create expected from actual only if expected does not exist.
Import requests or values from external format (currently 'postman' or 'insomnia' is supported). Overwrites existing same-named files.
Import collections into request suites (.yaml files), instead of individual (.ply) requests.
Augment OpenAPI v3 doc at specified path with operation summaries, request/response samples, and code snippets from Ply expected results.
Generate report from previously-executed Ply results. See --reporter for options.
Run test requests but don't verify outcomes.
Skip verify only if expected result does not exist.
If untrusted, enforce safe expression evaluation without side-effects. Supports a limited subset of template literal expressions. Default is false assuming expressions from untrusted sources are evaluated.
Import case suite modules from generated .js instead of .ts source (default = false). This runOption needs to be set in your case's calls to (for requests), and also in originating the call to (for the case(s)).
Runtime override values
Generated using TypeDoc
Options specified on a per-run basis.